How To Keep Up Your Mental Health During Lockdown

How To Keep Up Your Mental Health During Lockdown

How To Keep The Mental Health While The Lockdown

Nowadays, we all know that social isolation, along with concern for the health of those we love, can make us feel lonely, angry, and generally frustrated. In the situation, where are we – and the world – find ourselves in.

We all respond differently to changes in our circumstances, but it is good if understand what you can do to help manage mental well-being. Do not let anxiety consume you.

We collected some tips for you, they are suggestions to improve mental wellbeing, based on clinically approved guidelines and backed up by qualified psychologists and therapists.

Keep Planning the Practical Actions

Staying inside is vital now, and the logistics of getting your essentials have changed. If you cannot get to the store, look for the delivery service or ask neighbours and friends if they can help. The same goes for getting medication and any ongoing treatment for any mental or physical problem you have.

By prioritizing your needs, you will be confident that you can be with others and not sacrificing your own happiness. If you are having difficulty, ask a friend or neighbour for practical advice or support. Also, be sure to ask your therapist to find out what services they can offer you.

Stay connected with others

the Expressing of friendship is helping us feel more relaxed and positive. It releases the hormone oxytocin, which creates social bonds. Keeping in touch with people doesn’t just give you something to keep you busy on long evenings. It has a positive effect on your well-being. If even the thought of setting up another video call is tiring, remember that exchanging text messages or voice memos with the people you love can make a big difference.

Share the worries

If you are feeling helpless and anxious right now, remember that many others feel the same. The pandemic has changed the lives of all of us, and talking about any problems can help you relax. And by communication, you can also help a friend realize that they are not alone in their mental problems.

No one needs to think it’s a sign of weakness when they admit they don’t feel as capable as usual. If you ask a friend what he does when his pandemic anxiety gets too strong, you can start a really honest and comfortable conversation.

Care about your body

This can be especially difficult during times of stress when a soothing snack or drink is easy to get hold of. Alcohol can make some people feel better, but it is a delusion for a short time. Then it will ruin your mood and form a hormonal habit to use more and more alcohol. After some time, while people use to drink, they stop feeling happy anymore. Likewise, when the bouts of bad mood are different from person to person – this may happen shortly after the “warming” effect of the drink or at some point during the next day – alcohol will not have a long-term invigorating effect.

It is not so attractive to go outside for sports during the colder months, but the psychological benefits justify you. Remember when you exercise even indoors, the body produces hormones of happiness. And if you go for a walk, just to maintain social distancing – it is awsesome. In addition, it is worth remembering that maintaining health helps reduce the risk of complications associated with COVID-19.

Avoid difficult thoughts

Worries about a pandemic are natural, but if your worries affect your daily life and you feel like you can’t handle them, try to write down (write physically, even if it seems odd) what makes you feel especially worse or better. While visualizing and recognizing your triggers and comforters will help you to manage your mental well-being.

Avoid overloading yourself and use only trusted news sources

Social media and 24/7 news coverage can lead to a flood of information that does nothing to alleviate anxiety. Spreading misinformation online is widespread, so make sure you get updates from trusted sources.

If you’re being sent information that isn’t from a reputable source, check the facts before believing it, and perhaps give yourself time to check the news every day.

Monitor the changes in your labour rights and benefits

Many professional circumstances have changed during the pandemic. It is understandable that you may be worried about employment, income, and possibly a range of other financial or lifestyle issues.

Every Mind Matters has plenty of practical advice on how to make sure you know your labor rights and are aware of any benefits you are entitled to, as well as tips to help you adapt to working from home.

Keep doing what you love

The new isolation rules may have made it difficult for you to engage in some of the hobbies you’ve been in the past. But try new things – it can be extremely beneficial for mental well-being. 

Drawing, reading, or even decorating your space can introduce you to new ways to have fun that you’ve never seen before. There is nothing wrong with trying.

Relax and speak to your children

There is no use to hurry, there is a lot of time to make things that you both once dreamed to do, but usually don’t have time. Build the paper car, sew the pirate costumes or just watch the cartoons that you wondered to.

Good sleep time

Sleeping enough is important not only for physical health but also for emotional regulation. If you do not get enough sleep, it can cause feelings of emotional vulnerability, anxiety, and angriness. It may be difficult to concentrate.

There are various sleep methods that can work with our individual concerns, and there are a growing number of apps worth trying. For tips and tricks on how to get a good night’s sleep, speak to your family doctor.